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Udacity: Data Analysis and Visualization with Microsoft Power BI Dax Studio PowerBI

Power BI = Power Query + Data Model + Power BI Report

Power Query

Data Model

Power BI Report

M vs DAX

M Both DAX
Data Connections Calculated Columns Calculated Measures
Data Fromatting Calculated Tables Analysis
Data Cleaning Table Splitting (M) Analysis
Data Organizing Tabel Joining (M) Visual Filters
Pro Evaluation at refresh Flexibility with measures and filters
Con No measures Can slow down data model

Data Model


Key Questions

Date Tables


Dynamic Date Table

New Source > Blank Query

= Date.StartOfYear(List.Min(#"Sales Transactions"[Date]))

= Date.EndOfYear(List.Max(#"Sales Transactions"[Date]))

rename Queries “Start” and “End”.

New Source > Blank Query

= {Number.From(#"Start")..Number.From(#"End")}

convert to table, convert column to date format.


Direction from dimension table to fact table.

Cardinalitly Description
One-to-many One value in dimension table relates to many values in fact table
Filter direction Description
Single Filters can be applied in one direction
Both Filters can be applied in both directions

Bi-Directional Filters


Check, if a merged table is possible for the requirement.


An item is related to multiple categories. Leverages bi-directional filters. Causes unpredictable results.

Filters and Visuals

Report pane reflects data in model, plus the filters applied. Filter pane applies filters for a visual, an entire page or all report pages.

PBI Filters

Two Fact Tables

If on of the fact tables has as different level of granularity, a many-to-many relation might occur. To avoid suach a relation, use a Bridge table. Fact Table High Granularity < many-to-one < Dimension 1 with additional column for lower granularity > many-to-one > Bridge > one-to-many > Fact Table Low Granularity

PBI Two Fact Tables

Multiple Date Tables

Use the dax function USERELATIONSHIP to express to which of the many date columns in your fact table the date table should relate to. Examples for different date columns might be order date, shipping date …

Another option is to create new date tables for each date column.

Disconnected Tables

Table is not related to fact table, like a “What-if” Parameter.

New Forecast = 'What-if'[Forecast Adjust Value] * sum('Forecast'[forecast QTY Sales])


Design principles.

Bar Charts

Bad Good

Shape Color Grouping Space
Border Alignment Size Order

Chart Types

Bar Charts

Bar Charts

Line Charts

Line Charts

Advanced Data Visualization


Write Data from BPI to SQL

Data Analytics

Analytics Process

Stage Description Example
Define Problem Statement We need to prepare for the challenges of an aging population
Construct Research Topic Which countries age the fastest?
Retrieve Access Data Sources Census data, population statistics, economic data
Cleaning Clean and Organize the Data  
Conclusion Take Measurements, make Conclusion