
All about DataSince, DataEngineering and ComputerScience

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App Engine

Platform as a Service (PaaS)


App Engine Standard Environment

Requiements and Constraints

App Engine Standard Workflow


App Engine Flexible Environment

  Standard Flexible
Instance startup Milliseconds Minutes
SSH access No Yes
Write to local disk No Yes
Support for 3rd pary binaries No Yes
Network access Via App Engine services Yes
Pricing model After free daily use, pay per instance class Pay for resource allocation per hour


  Kubernetes App Engine Flexible App Engine Standard
Language Support Any Any Java,Python,Go,PHP
Service model Hybrid PaaS PaaS
Primary use case Container-based workloads Web and mobile applications, container based workloads Web and mobile applications

Cloud Endpoints and Apigee Edge

An API provides a clean, well defined interface to a complex, changeable implementation.

Cloud Endpoints

Supported Platforms

Runtime Clients
App Engine Flexible Environment Android
Kubernetes Engine iOS
Compute Engine Javascript

Apigee Edge

Focus on business problems