
All about DataSince, DataEngineering and ComputerScience

View the Project on GitHub datainsightat/DataScience_Examples


Big Data 5 V’s: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity (Accuracy), Value

Distributed Storage, Distributed Computing



Fault tolerance: Data is stored in block size of 128 MB and replicated over 3 machines (configurable).

Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc

1) Enable Cloud Dataproc API > Create Cluster 2) Set up Cluster 3) Configure Node 4) CREATE

GCP Cluster

Use ‘SSH’ to get a Terminal to the master node. The nodes run on ‘SMP Debian 5.1’.

Upload Data to Master Node

GitHub futureXsikill

$ wget

Move File from Master Node to Workers

$ hadoop fs -ls
$ hadoop fs -mkfir /user/newuser
$ hadoop fs -put retailstore.csv /user/newuser/

Move File from Workers to Master

$ rm retailstore.csv
$ hadoop fs -get retailstore.csv

MapReduce and YARN

Way of sending computational tasks to Worker Nodes.

               Job   ->   RessourceManager
                          Job Tracker
Mapper(m)   NodeManager   NodeManager   NodeManager
Reducer(r)  Task Tracker  Task Tracker  Task Tracker

Map tasks reads reach row and fetches an element. Reduce task performs aggregation operations like calculating sum, average etc on the fetched element. YARN was implemented to run non-MapReduce jobs on Hadoop clusters.