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Hive > MapReduce > YARN > HDFS

Hive can only work on structured data. It stores metada in a relational database called ‘Hive metastore’. It does not create database tables, but uses pointers to datasources stored in HDFS directories.

GCP > DataProc > create Cluster

$ hadoop fs -mkfir /user/newuser
$ hadoop fs -mkfir /user/newuser/retaildata
$ wget
$ hadoop fs -put retailstore.csv /user/newuser/retaildata/
$ hive
hive> show databases;
hive> create database futurex;
hive> use futurex;
hive> show tables;
hive> create table retailcust (age INT, salary FLOAT, gender String, country String, purchased String) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION '/user/newuser/retaildata/' TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1");
hive> selecct * from retailcust;

Hive Query result

A ‘drop table’ command delets also the hdfs subdirectory in which the csv files were stored. To prevent this from happening, use the ‘external’ keyword.

hive> create external table retailcustext (age INT, salary FLOAT, gender String, country String, purchased String) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION '/user/newuser/retaildata/' TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1");

Improve Query Performance

GCP > DataProc > create Cluster

$ wget
$ unzip
$ hadoop fs -mkfir /user/newuser
$ hadoop fs -mkfir /user/newuser/retailcust
$ hadoop fs -put retailstore_large.csv /user/newuser/retailcust
$ hadoop fs -ls retailcust

$ hive
hive> create database if not exists retailcust;
hive> use retailcust;
hive> create external table retailcustext_large (customerid INT, age INT, salary FLOAT,gender String,country String) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION '/user/mayrhofer_b/retailcust/' TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1") ;
hive> select count(*) from retailcustext_large where country = 'Germany';


Hive creates subdirectories for every country.

hive> set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
hive> set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
hive> create external table retailcustext_large_partitioned (customerid INT, age INT, salary FLOAT,gender String) partitioned by (country String) location  '/user/mayrhofer_b/retailcust-partitioned/';
hive> insert into table retailcustext_large_partitioned partition(country) select * from retailcustext_large;
hive> show partitions retailcustext_large_partitioned;
hive> select count(*) from retailcustext_large_partitioned where country = 'Germany';


Hive creates a new file for each bucket

hive> create external table retailcustext_large_bucketed3 (customerid INT, age INT, salary FLOAT,gender String,country String) clustered by (customerid) into 20 buckets location  '/user/futurexskill/retailcust-bucketed3/';
hive> from retailcustext_large insert into table retailcustext_large_bucketed3 select customerid,age,salary,gender,country;

Terminate Cluster

GCP > DataProc > select Cluster > delete