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Spark Clustering

Import Library

# Import the library for ALS
from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS

Create Base RDD

# Load the dataset into a RDD
clusterRDD = sc.textFile(file_path)

# Split the RDD based on tab
rdd_split = x: x.split('\t'))

# Transform the split RDD by creating a list of integers
rdd_split_int = x: [int(x[0]), int(x[1])])

# Count the number of rows in RDD 
print("There are {} rows in the rdd_split_int dataset".format(rdd_split_int.count()))


# Train the model with clusters from 13 to 16 and compute WSSSE 
for clst in range(13, 17):
		model = KMeans.train(rdd_split_int, clst, seed=1)
		WSSSE = point: error(point)).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)
		print("The cluster {} has Within Set Sum of Squared Error {}".format(clst, WSSSE))

# Train the model again with the best k 
model = KMeans.train(rdd_split_int, k=15, seed=1)

# Get cluster centers
cluster_centers = model.clusterCenters


# Convert rdd_split_int RDD into Spark DataFrame
rdd_split_int_df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd_split_int, schema=["col1", "col2"])

# Convert Spark DataFrame into Pandas DataFrame
rdd_split_int_df_pandas = rdd_split_int_df.toPandas()

# Convert "cluster_centers" that you generated earlier into Pandas DataFrame
cluster_centers_pandas = pd.DataFrame(cluster_centers, columns=["col1", "col2"])

# Create an overlaid scatter plot
plt.scatter(rdd_split_int_df_pandas["col1"], rdd_split_int_df_pandas["col2"])
plt.scatter(cluster_centers_pandas["col1"], cluster_centers_pandas["col2"], color="red", marker="x")