
All about DataSince, DataEngineering and ComputerScience

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Spark ETS (Extract Transform Select)

UDF (User Defined Function)

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import BooleanType, StringType, IntegerType, FloatType, ArrayType

# Returns true if the value is a nonempty vector
nonempty_udf = udf(lambda x:  
		True if (x and hasattr(x, "toArray") and x.numNonzeros())
		else False, BooleanType())

# Returns first element of the array as string
s_udf = udf(lambda x: str(x[0]) if (x and type(x) is list and len(x) > 0)
		else '', StringType())
# Show the rows where doc contains the item '5'
df_before.where(array_contains('doc', '5')).show()

# UDF removes items in TRIVIAL_TOKENS from array
rm_trivial_udf = udf(lambda x:
										 list(set(x) - TRIVIAL_TOKENS) if x
										 else x,

# Remove trivial tokens from 'in' and 'out' columns of df2
df_after = df_before.withColumn('in', rm_trivial_udf('in'))\
										.withColumn('out', rm_trivial_udf('out'))

# Show the rows of df_after where doc contains the item '5'

Extract Data for Classification

# Selects the first element of a vector column
first_udf = udf(lambda x:
						if (x and hasattr(x, "toArray") and x.numNonzeros())
						else 0.0,

# Apply first_udf to the output column"output").alias("result")).show(5)

# Add label by applying the get_first_udf to output column
df_new = df.withColumn('label', get_first_udf('output'))

# Show the first five rows

# Transform df using model result = model.transform(df.withColumnRenamed('in', 'words'))\
    .withColumnRenamed('words', 'in')\
    .withColumnRenamed('vec', 'invec') result.drop('sentence').show(3, False)

# Add a column based on the out column called outvec
result = model.transform(result.withColumnRenamed('out', 'words'))\
				.withColumnRenamed('words', 'out')\
				.withColumnRenamed('vec', 'outvec')'invec', 'outvec').show(3, False)