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Spark SQL

Load Data

# Load trainsched.txt
df ="trainsched.txt", header=True)

# Create temporary table called table1

# Inspect the columns in the table df
spark.sql("describe schedule").show()

Window Functions

# Add col running_total that sums diff_min col in each group
query = """
SELECT train_id, station, time, diff_min,
SUM(diff_min) OVER (PARTITION BY train_id ORDER BY time) AS running_total
FROM schedule

# Run the query and display the result

<> output:
|train_id|      station| time|diff_min|running_total|
|     217|       Gilroy|6:06a|     9.0|          9.0|
|     217|   San Martin|6:15a|     6.0|         15.0|
|     217|  Morgan Hill|6:21a|    15.0|         30.0|
|     217| Blossom Hill|6:36a|     6.0|         36.0|
|     217|      Capitol|6:42a|     8.0|         44.0|
|     217|       Tamien|6:50a|     9.0|         53.0|
|     217|     San Jose|6:59a|    null|         53.0|
|     324|San Francisco|7:59a|     4.0|          4.0|
|     324|  22nd Street|8:03a|    13.0|         17.0|
|     324|     Millbrae|8:16a|     8.0|         25.0|
|     324|    Hillsdale|8:24a|     7.0|         32.0|
|     324| Redwood City|8:31a|     6.0|         38.0|
|     324|    Palo Alto|8:37a|    28.0|         66.0|
|     324|     San Jose|9:05a|    null|         66.0|

.Dot Notation

Example 1

# Give the identical result in each command
spark.sql('SELECT train_id, MIN(time) AS start FROM schedule GROUP BY train_id').show()
df.groupBy('train_id').agg({'time':'min'}).withColumnRenamed('min(time)', 'start').show()

# Print the second column of the result
spark.sql('SELECT train_id, MIN(time), MAX(time) FROM schedule GROUP BY train_id').show()
result = df.groupBy('train_id').agg({'time':'min', 'time':'max'})

Example 2

# dot notation:
from pyspark.sql.functions import min, max, col
expr = [min(col("time")).alias('start'), max(col("time")).alias('end')]
dot_df = df.groupBy("train_id").agg(*expr)

# Write a SQL query giving a result identical to dot_df
query = "SELECT train_id, min(time) as start, max(time) as end FROM schedule group by train_id"
sql_df = spark.sql(query)

Example 3

df = spark.sql("""
LEAD(time,1) OVER(PARTITION BY train_id ORDER BY time) AS time_next 
FROM schedule

# Obtain the identical result using dot notation 
dot_df = df.withColumn('time_next', lead('time', 1)

Example 4

window = Window.partitionBy('train_id').orderBy('time')
dot_df = df.withColumn('diff_min', 
(unix_timestamp(lead('time', 1).over(window),'H:m') 
- unix_timestamp('time', 'H:m'))/60)

# Create a SQL query to obtain an identical result to dot_df 
query = """
(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LEAD(time, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY train_id ORDER BY time),'H:m') 
 - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time, 'H:m'))/60 AS diff_min 
FROM schedule 
sql_df = spark.sql(query)

|train_id|      station| time|diff_min|
|     217|       Gilroy|6:06a|     9.0|
|     217|   San Martin|6:15a|     6.0|
|     217|  Morgan Hill|6:21a|    15.0|
|     217| Blossom Hill|6:36a|     6.0|
|     217|      Capitol|6:42a|     8.0|
|     217|       Tamien|6:50a|     9.0|
|     217|     San Jose|6:59a|    null|
|     324|San Francisco|7:59a|     4.0|
|     324|  22nd Street|8:03a|    13.0|
|     324|     Millbrae|8:16a|     8.0|
|     324|    Hillsdale|8:24a|     7.0|
|     324| Redwood City|8:31a|     6.0|
|     324|    Palo Alto|8:37a|    28.0|
|     324|     San Jose|9:05a|    null|